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A Spark of Change:
Exploring the Benefits and Challenges in a World with Electric Vehicles

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Electric Car Charging Station


Electric cars are the new wave of transportation promoting a healthier and greener environment with minimal pollution and fast speeds. But does it achieve this? The electric car is powered strictly by a battery instead of your traditional internal combustion engines, thus appealing to those who intend to limit their impact on the environment through natural gasses. With the movement came the creation of various other brands and new models of cars that are completely powered by a battery. This has even reached out to the sports world, with the new high-power, action-packed addition of Formula E.  

5 Questions

1. What is an electric car and how is it different from a gas-powered car?

2. How is the idea that electric cars are detrimental to the environment a myth?

3. What are the electric vehicles' place in the racing scene and the history of Formula E?

4. What are the top electric car brands?
5. How do the hidden effects of electric cars affect the environment?
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